Hi Scotsman, I just wanted to say, welcome, I haven't seen your posts before now.
Any Scotsman is a friend of mine!
(from the Carmichael Clan Class)
as larc's thread has mutated into the tired old nurture vs nature debate i thought i'd give a response to his question, which was how do you reconcile the bibles attittude to homosexuality and the living breathing reality of human beings.
i was at a recent screening of trembling before g-d, a documentary on homosexuals in the orthodox community who want to be practising homosexuals and still be accepted as part of the orthodox faith.
(my opinion is that they're wanting to have their cake and eat it but i was interested in the reasoning).
Hi Scotsman, I just wanted to say, welcome, I haven't seen your posts before now.
Any Scotsman is a friend of mine!
(from the Carmichael Clan Class)
i have personally had experience with this.
a long time friend committed suicide because of her husband and the problems they were having.
he abused her and ended up leaving her, the elders wouldn't help out much stating that it was a marital problem.. she couldn't cope with him leaving, she was extremely dependant on him, she felt the only way out was suicide.
Proplog, is it beyond you to realize that depression is an illness? Do you not know that stress, and ill will can bring on depression?
It is not ''foolish behavior''. Depression IS NOT A BEHAVIOR PROBLEM!
Ya know what else? Mean people suck ! Your comments on this thread are mean, nasty, and devised to take your anger out on an innocent woman, who is already hurting. And you know it! There is no excuse for your stupidity.
does anyone want to bet that they'll be using this at the end of the a$$embly as a witness to how great and united they are?
I cant wait to see the backlash on this one!
Nothing more dangerous than pissing off several thousand catholic latinos!!!
religious police told to smile .
brian whitaker.
tuesday june 10, 2003. the guardian .
Good Grief Hamas!!!!!
My monitor is smoking!!!!!
i posted a while back about a letter i'd sent in to my local paper.
i live in georgia and here in georgia it's illegal for stores to sell alcohol on sundays.
the law does allow for local gov'ts to permit restaurants to sell on sundays, provided that at least half their revenue comes from food sales.
Right on Bendrr!
That has always made me mad too. In Indiana, no alcohol sales on voting days, new years day or sundays. So lame.
What really is dumb, is that the ''exempt'' restaraunts become bars on Sundays. You can't take your kids to pizza hut on Sundays, because all the hard core drunks hang out there for the beer. We would all be better served (pardon the pun), drinking at home!
I find your argument sound, and long overdue!
i have personally had experience with this.
a long time friend committed suicide because of her husband and the problems they were having.
he abused her and ended up leaving her, the elders wouldn't help out much stating that it was a marital problem.. she couldn't cope with him leaving, she was extremely dependant on him, she felt the only way out was suicide.
Here's a statistic for ya proplog,
99.9% of the posters on this thread think you are a richard cranium!
i just wanted to say hi to the group here.. been baptized for 15 years now.
my wife has been baptized for a little less than that time period.. been an aux poi., reg pio, ms. wife is a reg pio currently.
now im just a lowly publisher :d. have had many doubts over the years on small matters.
Glad to have you here Winston, there is alot of info on this forum, as well as links to other information sites. Good luck on your journey!
today i dined and wined with mr. and mrs. ozzie.
i had a marvelous time.
both are wonderful people, and i have enjoyed myself immensely with them.
Thanks Viv,
I hear the Aussies are gaining quite the reputation for good wines !
Still awaiting the arrival in my neck of the woods. Hopefully soon !
1 the joy in my childs eyes when we sing happy birthday.
2 christmas tree twinkling in the living room..... oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, awwwwwwwwwww.
3 flying the stars and stripes.
1 The joy in my childs eyes when we sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY
2 Christmas tree twinkling in the living room..... oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, awwwwwwwwwww
3 flying the stars and stripes
4 seeing tears stream down the face of my sister when she blew out the candles of her birthday cake for the first time at age 38
5 reading a bible without watchtower assistance
6 making my own decisions
7 smoking a good ciggarette
8 cold beer!
9 A good shag, baby!
10 websites that allow free expression after years of smothering!!! FREEDOM ROCKS!!! Thanks Simon!
can you see the watchtower saying, no more door to door preaching, lets say within the next ten years ?.
door to door??? ha ha ha ha ha
Hell no,
Living trusts
real estate
puhleze, there is not money in this country knocking on doors.